
沃拉沃拉大学 教育与心理学院

沃拉沃拉大学(WWU)教育与心理学院(SEP)成立了教育公平与多样性中心(ce),以加强对多样性和公平问题的研究和改进实践。. It is a center founded to interact with the public, both on the WWU campus and the greater Walla Walla Valley community. 

沃拉沃拉大学行政部门, 教师, and staff are firmly dedicated to principles of equity in action (Maynard-Reid, 2010). 相信网上博彩澳门银河都是上帝的孩子, 按照他的形象创造的, gives in美国东部时间imable value and worth to every individual, 不管他们是什么种族, 性别, 文化或社会背景, and inherent intellectual or physical abilities. 因此, WWU-SEP致力于培养每个人的独特天赋,并庆祝他们的多样性(Dunzweiler) ., 2016, p. 3).


Download the Pilot to Policy Grant, Proposed Outcomes & 状态文件.



Recently, ce held a free movie event for students on campus showing the movie 想知道 in which pizza, snacks and drinks were provided

这部电影讲述了奥古斯特·“奥吉”·普尔曼患有一种罕见的疾病,导致他的面部畸形. 网上博彩澳门银河跟随奥吉在接受家庭教育后第一次上中学,学习如何应对发展友谊的挑战, 管理恶霸, 对自己的皮肤有信心. 这部电影为观众提供了一种通过善良来应对多样性的实践策略,并提醒他们“试图融入没有意义”, 当你想要脱颖而出时."




It is our pleasure to welcome 梅洛迪·埃兹佩莱塔教授 to our ce Team. She is serving as our Psychology 教师 Representative.  埃兹佩莱塔教授得了B.S. in Psychology from 沃拉沃拉大学, and an M.S. in Marital and Family Therapy from Loma Linda University. 她在不同学校系统的个人和专业经历,通过与他人积极合作,灌输了她回馈社会的热情. 




We are excited to introduce our new ce助理 for the 2021-2022 school year, Aleah克拉克. Aleah是WWU初级教育专业的学生,她期待着在即将到来的项目中帮助网上博彩澳门银河的团队. Keep an eye out for announcements about our events this spring!



We are happy to introduce our new ce助理 for the 2020-2021 school year.  阿什利·比尔兹利是WWU工商管理专业的大四学生,她很高兴能加入ce团队.  随着疫情的蔓延, this year has been a bit different than normal, but the ce team has been working towards goals remotely for this upcoming year, 尽管挑战已经出现.  


从2019年11月到2020年4月, 网上博彩澳门银河和弗兰克·拉米雷斯一起勤奋地工作, the owner and director of an organization called 国防部美国东部时间., to create a logo that we believe encapsulates our work here at ce. 国防部美国东部时间 is a "creative agency that provides dig美国东部时间ible solutions unique to client needs". 

Below is the artist's interpretation of our new logo:

"The development of a tree is determined by its foundation. 图为一只手在培育幼苗. 为不同背景的学生提供公平的机会将带来丰硕的回报. 作为教育工作者,网上博彩澳门银河从来没有给过一个“新”学生,他们已经建立了对世界的看法. 它们是幼苗. As educators we are guiding students with our knowledge, abilities and available resources. 网上博彩澳门银河是手."


ce Holds First Advisory Board Meeting in October

去年春天,ce为感兴趣的WWU和当地社区成员举办了一场信息发布会,他们要么愿意加入网上博彩澳门银河的第一个顾问委员会,要么愿意参与未来的ce活动. Over 15 people attended with a positive response for future engagement. The first ce Advisory Board will officially meet on Wednesday, October 30. 感谢所有人继续支持ce的使命和多样性的增加研究和改善实践问题和股票在学校教育和心理学和更大的社区.


We are happy to welcome our new美国东部时间 ce staff. Joyleen Mabika (pictured below right) is a senior at WWU and joins us as ce Coordinator. WWU junior, Daniela Argumedo, (pictured left) is our new ce助理. Both work hard to move the mission of ce forward with grace and positivity. 欢迎加入ce团队!


戴安娜·埃里克森, 当地双语培训顾问, 5月为EDUC 450:学生教学导论课程进行了三次一小时的英语培训, 2019. 20名教师候选人学习了如何利用基于研究的策略在他们未来的课堂中实施. 教师候选人表示,这些培训课程在提供如何计划教学以吸引英语学习者的例子和背景方面特别有帮助. Each training session was accompanied by a dinner. 


周四, 5月9日, 2019 ce hosted a workshop with members of the Multi-Cultural Education Rights Alliance (McERA),来自华盛顿州西雅图. 本次研讨会的特色是由来自不同文化背景的讨论小组成员组成,他们与西雅图公立学校的学生和教师一起工作, 也是沃拉沃拉社区成员. 黎明班纳特, 胡安·科尔多瓦, 辛迪Sandino-Chang, 凯西·穆克林(Kathy Mulkerin)回答了有关在多元文化教室中创造公平空间的问题. 小组成员的故事和经历说明了与个人联系的影响, 问问题, and building an open space for community in schools and classrooms. Workshop attendees included educators from multiple schools in the Walla Walla Valley, 蓝山行动委员会成员, 世界海洋大学的教职员工, 和世界大学的学生.

周五上午在阿特拉斯咖啡馆举行了后续问答会议,继续与McERA就建立社区和采取公平行动进行对话和对话. More than 15 educators, students, and community members attended.


来自多元文化教育权利联盟的黎明班纳特t将于5月9日下午4-6点主持ce的春季公平专业发展研讨会.m. 本次研讨会将包括道恩·贝内特和来自西雅图的客座教育工作者关于教育多样性和公平的作用的故事. The event will be hosted in WEC 209 and is free for all to attend. 回复在 cepd.哪些.com.


教育公平与多样性中心(ce)正准备推出其首个基于, 同行评议电子期刊, diversus. 该杂志的目的是向对促进教育环境的公平和多样性感兴趣的教育工作者传播学术工作. 观众会很热情的, but not limited to Christian educational settings, 并鼓励讨论美国西北太平洋地区以及更广泛的美国和基督教社区的多样性问题的文章. 该期刊可能包括的主题样本包括特殊教育和教育中的包容性, representation of women and ethnic minority groups in STEM fields, 种族歧视, 种族, 移民身份, 性, and access of underserved population groups to educational opportunities. Diversus正在寻找研究文章, 研究评论, 书评, and commentary by educators or others inter美国东部时间ed in educational equity and diversity. 联系 奥斯丁.archer@chalakseir.com



2018年10月22日星期一,ce与WWU学生教学班共同举办了一场培训活动. This event featured two gu美国东部时间 speakers, Melissa Lopez and Helen Cantero, from Davis Elementary. Both Lopez and Cantero run bilingual buddy programs in their classrooms. 在这次培训中, students learned about effective ELL teaching strategies to implement in their classrooms, 还享用了披萨晚餐. 随后是问答环节.


In May, ce hosted a workshop by Katie Kissinger, author of Anti-Bias in the Early Childhood Classroom: Hand in Hand, Step by Step. 超过60名参加者出席了活动, held in our 教育与心理学院 Curriculum 图书馆. The event included group discussion and refreshments, along with Katie’s own engaging stories about her experience as an anti-bias educator. 凯蒂的故事说明了开放对话和公平做法在创造安全和受欢迎的教室方面的力量. 凯蒂看到她所有学生的能力的热情激励了未来和现在的教育工作者.


ce had the honor of hosting professional educator Erin Jones for a community event. In 2013, 琼斯在白宫被评为“变革冠军”,并于2015年被华盛顿州PTA评为“杰出教育家”.在这个发人深省的事件中, 琼斯分享了她的人生故事,并主持了一个互动研讨会,教授增加教育公平和多样性的策略. The event was held on May 22, 2017 from 4–7 p.m. 在冬季教育大楼209室.




ce赞助了生物工程学会和教育俱乐部举办了一个玩具改装工作坊,让学生们改装玩具,使残疾儿童更容易使用. 该活动于周日举行, 2月25日, from 6:30 to 9:00 pm in the Project Lab on the 3rd floor of Kretschmar. 


Fall quarter, ce hosted a free movie event for the community. 放映的电影是《网上博彩澳门银河》, 这是一个励志的真实故事,讲述了一个穷困潦倒的老师和他的学生参加美国宇航局赞助的乐高机器人比赛. Free pizza, hot drinks and desserts were provided.